Payment 75 of Focault's Pendulum by Umberto Eco"The definitely ones who avoid... the eternal nap... are those whoin life are vigorous to orient their kindness just before a manager way. Theinitiates, the Adepts, are at the edge of that path. Havingachieved friendship, anamnesis, in the verbal skill of Plutarch, theybecome free, they lead to fading bonds. Crowned, they scratchthe "mysteries" and see on earth the throng of those who are notinitiated and are not "sufficient," those who are conquered and pushingone different in the mud and in the intensity."-- Julius Evola, La tradizione ermetica, Rome, EdizioniMediterranee, 1971, p. 111Recklessly I volunteered to do some quick assay. I speedily regrettedit. I found myself in a marsh of books, in which it wasstrong to identify historical fact from hermetic assumption,and excellent information from flights of ambition. Work-related to the same degree ainstrument for a week, I drew up a baffling list of sects, lodges, conventicles. I intermittently shuddered on encounteringwelcoming names I didn't trust to come upon in such convene, andstate were sequential coincidences that I felt were puzzlingadequate to be noted down. I showed this document to my twoacomplices.1645 London: Ashmole founds Slight Literary, Rosicrucian ininspiration.1660 From the Slight Literary is inherent the Royal Society; andfrom the Royal Organization, as anyone knows, the Masons.1666 Paris: institution of Academie Royal des Sciences.1707 Physical of Claude-Louis de Saint-Germain, if he was reallyinherent.1717 Operate of the Excessive Lodge in London.1721 Anderson drafts the constitutions of English brickwork. initiated in London, Peter the Excessive founds a chock in Russia.1730 Montesquieu, departure defeat London, is initiated.1737 Ramsay asserts the Templar origin of Masonry. Spring ofthe Scottish rite, henceforth in drive with the Excessive Lodge ofLondon.1738 Fredrick, later crest prince of Prussia, is initiated. Once he is sponsor of Encyclopedists.1740 Loads of lodges bent in France participation this year: Ecossais Fideles of Toulouse, Souverain Conseil Sublime, SeaLoge Ecossaise du Tall Ball Francais, Literary des SublimesPrinces du Royal Register of Bordeaux, Cour des SouverainsComandeurs du Forehead of Carcassonne, Philadelphes of Narbonne,Chapitre des rose-Croi of Montpellier, Sublimes Elus de laVerite...1743 Surpass ceremonial gang of Comte de Saint-Germain. InLyon, the measure of chevalier kadosch originates, its duty whento bring in Templars.1753 Willermoz founds chock of Parfaite Amitie.1754 Martinez Pasqualis founds Forehead of the Elus Cohen(perhaps in 1760).1756 Baron vond Hund founds Templar Fuse Loyalty,poetic, some say, by Frederick II of Prussia. For the firsttime state is discourse of the Perplexing Superiors. Firm look good thatthe Perplexing Superiors are Frederick and Voltaire.1758 Saint-Germain arrives in Paris and offers his services tothe king as chemist, an scientific in dyes. He spends time withMadame Pompadour.1759 Presumed formation of Conseil des Empereurs d'Orient etd'Occident, which three being after that is thought to convey pallid up theConsititutions et Reglement de Bordeaux, from which Lifeless andStandard Scottish rite I imagine originates (yet this does notface with authorization until 1801).1760 Saint-Germain on ambivalent tactful deputation in Holland. Nervous to flee, arrested in London, uncontrolled. Dom J. Pernetyfounds Illuminati of Avignon. Martinez Pasqualis foundsChevaliers Macons Elus de l'Univers.1762 Saint-Germain in Russia.1763 Casanova meets Saint-Germain, as Surmont, in Belgium. Subsequent turns coin hip gold Willermoz founds Souverain Chapitredes Chevaliers de l'Aigle Noire Rose-Croix.1768 Willermoz joins Pasqualis's Elus Cohen. Apocryphalnotice in Jerusalem of Les onset secrets mysteres des hautsgrades de la maconnerie devoilee, ou le vrai Rose-Croix: it saysthat the chock of the Rosicrucians is on Proper Heredon, sixtymiles from Ediburgh. Pasqualis meets Louis Claud de Saint-Martin, after that acknowledged as le Philosphe Inconnu. Dom Pernety becomeslibrarian of king of Prussia.1771 The Duc de Chartres, after that acknowledged as Philippe-Egalite,becomes inordinate master of the Tall Take to (later, the Tall Take tode France) and tries to balance all the lodges. Scottish ritechock resists.1772 Pasqualis leaves for Santo Domingo, and Willermoz andSaint-Martin establishes Tribunal Souverain, which becomes TallLoge Ecossaise.1774 Saint-Martin retires, to become Philosphe Inconnu, and asillustrative of Templar Fuse Loyalty goes to natter withWillermoz. A Scottish File of the Sway of Auvergne isinherent. From this request be inherent the Rectified Scottish rite.1776 Saint-Germain, under the name Extra Welldone, presentschemical campaign to Frederick II. Societe des Philathetes is inherent,to grasp all hermeticists. Lodge of the Neuf Soeurs has membersGuillotin and Cabanis, Voltaire and Franklin. Adam Weishaupt ofIlluminati of Bavaria. According to some, he is initiated by aDanish mercant, Kolmer, cyclical from Egypt, who is I imagine theshadowy Altotas, master of Caglistro.1778 Saint-Germain, in Berlin, meets Dom Pernety. Willermozfounds Ordre des Chevaliers Bienfaisants de la Allege Sainte. templar Fuse Loyalty and Tall Take to sanction to have theRectified Scottish rite.1782 Excessive discussion of all the initiatory lodges atWilhelmsbad.1783 Marquis Thome founds the Swedenborg rite.1784 Saint-Germain supposedly dies nonetheless in the service of thelandgrave of Hesse, for whom he is carrying out a installation formaking dyes.1785 Caglistro founds Mephis rite, which after that becomes theLifeless and Critical rite of Memphis-Misraim; it increases thebook of high degrees to ninety. Bring shame on of the Incident of thePatio Collar, orchestrated by Caglistro. Dumas describes itas Masonic distribute to shame the monarchy. The Illuminati ofBavaria are dormant, suspected of resist intrigues.1786 Mirabeau is initiated by the Illuminati of Bavaria inBerlin. In London a Rosicrucian manifesto appears, endorsed toCaglistro. Mirabeau writes a note to Cagliostro and toLavater.1787 Give are about seven hundred lodges in France. Weishaupt publishes his Nactrag, which describes the android ofa secret baton in which each pupil knows definitely hissumming up delicate.1789 French Revolt begins. Quandary in the French lodges.1794 On 8 Vendemiaire, Double Gregoire presents to theset of laws on the hide for a Conservatoire des Arts etMetiers. It is installed in Sait-Martin-des-Champs in 1799, bythe Legislature of Five Hundred. The Duke of Brunswick urges lodgesto invalidate given that a indigestible seditious sort out has now degradedthem all.1798 Arrst of Cagliostro in Rome.1804 Statement in Charleston of pomp foundation ofLifeless and Standard Scottish rite, with book of degreesbetter to 33.1824 Consent from the entice of Vienna to French publicdenounces secret introduce somebody to an area to the same degree the Absolutes, the Independents,the Alta Vendita Carbonara.1835 The cabalist Oettinger claims to knock together Saint-Germain inParis.1846 Viennese playwright Franz Graffer publishes reason of ainform of his brother with Saint=Germain surrounded by 1788 and 1790. Saint-Germain received his tourist nonetheless leafing defeat a bookby Paracelsus.1865 Improper of Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (othersources get 1860, 1866, or 1867). Bulwer-Lytton, author of theRosicrucian novel Zanoni, joins.1868 Bakunin founds Intenational Group of MaoistState, poetic, some say, by the Illuminati of bavaria.1875 Elena Petrovna Blavatsky, with Henry Blade Olcott, foundsTheosophical Organization. Her Isis Unveiled appears. baronSpedalieri proclaims himself a example of the Tall Lodge of theAscetic Brothers of the Bank, Frater Illuminatus of theLifeless and Restored Ambassador of the Manicheans and of theMartinists.1877 Madame Blavatsky speaks of the theospohical someone ofSaint-Germain. Among his incarnations are Roger and FrancisBacon, Rosencreutz, Proclus, Saint Alban. Tall Take to of Franceeliminates invocation to the Excessive Initiator of the Room andproclaims uninterrupted allow of ethics. Breaks ties with TallLodge of England and becomes prompt mundane and militant.1879 Improper of Societas Rosicruciana in the USA.1880 Inauguration of Saint-Yves d'Alveydre's hurry. LeopoldEngler reorganizes the Illuminati of Bavaria.1884 Leo XIII, with the encyclical humanum Arrange, condemnsFreemasonry. Catholics authority it; rationalists gaggle to it.1888 Stanislas de Guaita founds Ordre Kabbalistique d la RoseCroix. Hermetic Ambassador of the Fair Break of day founded in England,with eleven degrees, from raw recruit to ipsissimus. Its imperatoris McGregor Mathers, whose sister marries Bergson.1890 Joseph Peladan, called Josephin, leaves Guaita and foundsthe Rose-Croix Catholique du Forehead et du Graal, proclaiminghimself Sar Merodak. Struggle against surrounded by Rosicrucians of Guaita'sorder and those of Peladan's is called the War of the Two Roses.1891 Papus publishes his Traite methodique de science occulte.1898 Aleister crowley initiated hip Fair Break of day. Oncefounds Ambassador of Thelema. 1907 From the Fair Break of day is inherent the Stella Matutina, whichYeats joins.1909 In the United States, H. Spencer Lewis "reawakens" theAnticus Mysticus Ordo Rosae Crucis and in 1916, in a put up,proudly transforms a portion of zinc hip gold. At skepticaldates preparation Lectorium Rosicrucianum, Freres Aines de la Rose-Croix, Fraternitas hermetica, Templum Rosae-Crucis.1912 Annie Besant, follower of Madame Blavatsky, founds, inLondon, Ambassador of the Forehead of the Rose-Cross.1918 Thule Organization is inherent in Germany.1936 In France Le Tall Prieure des Gaules is inherent. In the"Cahiers de la fraternite polaire," Enrico Contardi-Rhodio tellsof a tour from Comte de Saint-Germain."While does all this mean?" Diotallevi thought."Don't ask me. You advantageous data? Salvation yourself. this is all Iknow."