Saturday 25 June 2011

Nobody Should Charge Money For Spiritual Wisdom

Nobody Should Charge Money For Spiritual Wisdom
"Nil penury charge money

for spiritual wisdom!"

by Scott Bolan

It towards the end hit me!

So an assortment of lineage shelter up their noses and snobbily reveal you "secret message penury charge money for spiritual wisdom"... for teaching ancient practices, etc.

... all the since they're raking-in fist-fulls of tax-free "donations!"

Beautiful, I retain a very extraordinary question... "SAYS WHO?"

Ponder In a circle IT!

Seeing as "Every one" shaman... every "tablets man"... every preacher... every Kahuna unendingly par costs in some form... be it chickens, or frogspawn, a pie, or a puzzle of rice.


Seeing as THAT was the means-of-exchange in the old days!

But you know... there's terminated to the story...

They qualified disciples in "THE OLD WAY"... what we would deem "APPRENTICESHIP."

It's standard knowledge the" KAHUNA" training TOOK AT Smallest amount of 20 Time...

... that's 20 sparkle of "apprenticeship."

That assets you worked FOR the Kahuna!

And you worked for him from-dawn-til-dusk... every day... for 20 years! The whole time you were learning to ply the tools of your advertisement.

A Calorific Hex JOB!

... and you didn't get salaried... not at all.

Do the sums...

Let's use the lowest-common-denominator... nominal compensation.

If you're working a full-time job for your trainer... at 5.25-an-hour... that's 210 a week.

Every one week!

You're "paying" your trainer 10,920 precise your crucial year!... not even "Level One" by today's standards!

... and by the time you "graduate" with the skills you can mushroom for yourself... YOU'VE FORKED-OVER 218,400 worth of blood-sweat-and-tears to learn the tools of your trade!


I experience that's a stunted high.

And that sure-as-heck ain't "free."

... that's also 20 sparkle of your life!

So if you cope with at the transformational experiences and precise how an assortment of practical, real-world comprehension you get from precise one training inflexible related Vince can impart you... even if you were to pay 900... you're actually "economical" 217,500 every time you get the fresh Kahuna training inflexible on DVD!

Not lone that.

You get to sort it!

... and you can protector frequent DVDs time and time over... sack follow-up... feign the exercises... perfecting your skills... at your own pace.

Do it the easy way!

Vince passed on nearing 30 sparkle training from the top "KAHUNA" MASTERS in the world in front he ever stepped in indication of a classroom and blew-their-minds with his overwhelming skills.

... and with 40 sparkle of real-life encompass in the "psychic trenches," you can see why Vince is "THE" very best Kahuna trainer acquaint with is... and he's one of lone two living Huna Majestic Masters today!

That's why:

"I laughed to the same extent I saw the all-new

and obvious Avant-garde Underlying I-Dentity

Ho'oponopono DVDs affair for lone 297."

... and I refused to pay it!

In fact... to the same extent I was at the Speediness Greatest in Las Vegas... after Vince wow-ed all and sundry with feats of Continuous Magick... I muscled my way out of action the flock to find out about frequent DVDs.

You won't stake this!

Vince reached out and gave me a set... saying, "Scott, I bidding you to retain these `on me' precise for beast such a good friend to me owing to the sparkle."


I whipped-out my group and handed him seven new 100 bills.


Seeing as the knowledge aspect includes some of the most treasured skills I've ever seen... and I deliberate that with every filament of my being!

... and I saved myself twenty sparkle of unfeeling work and 217,300 in real-world good point to the same extent I did.

And I'd do it again!

The Avant-garde "HO'OPONOPONO" training afterward month is beforehand "clogged"... you couldn't weasel-your-way-in even if you tried!

But you CAN get the DVDs NOW for the ridiculously low estimation of 297.

And I'm tellin' ya... you penury DO IT.


You precise can't put a estimation on enlightenment!


Scott Bolan

(c) 2008 Huna Ohana