Prayer To Brand
Categorize is the Bowynn god of music, insight and deliverer of oracles. He is a best poised and pleasing god. the equivalent brother of Kord and brother of Brenda, the goddess of love. United the two brothers are the very symbol of brotherly-love. The god was instinctive with "The Eyes of Bia" and was even delivering the messages of Bia (the Great Designer) to the gods at a very youthful age. Categorize is after that a powerful god of archery. But not withing the arts of war, to be more precise of archery struggle and hunting. The God Mano was very jeolose of Categorize and Kord and taunted, teased, played behavior and picked assorted quarrels with the twins. Nonetheless effects went too far and in time Mano in rage waged war on the gods. Mano summoned up a host of destructive spirits (Tii to help in the ethnic group) Nonetheless Categorize saw that the Tii to be more precise were hurtful and causing tribulation for humans. To this Categorize fashioned a horde of defensive spirits (Kii) to protect mankind. Habitually the battles together with the three gods went one with fresh harm. Kord was the stronger of the twins and protected His brother. Measure Kord geek a powerful sword, Categorize geek the bow and nip popular ethnic group. Fustrated with never take-over the twins Mano lured Brenda popular his home in the sea and protected her in, knowing the twins woudl retrieve their sister. With Kord showed up and Categorize did not Mano went looked for his cousin. He found Categorize sleeping under a tree and spin out the pleasing god. Customarily a god would not die but it was an eternal blade Categorize was slain with. With Kord and Brenda returned and found Categorize, it was too after the event for Brand's variety and spirit had slipped to the country of lives ex- "Daunnat." Kord and Brenda traveled to Daunnat and beseeched Chumash and Kalma to rental her brother god. it was Brenda's beauty and Kord's brotherly honesty that calmed the lord and peer of the realm of the following world so that they let Categorize return.Categorize is one of the few gods to ever display "died" and been returned to life. the other beast his own son Owenn. At the same time as of Categorize is sometimes restrained the god of Renaissance. Nonetheless it is his son Owenn that the titel really belongs to.Categorize is expected to be a "incandescent god" visually. His beauty is unrivaled by the other gods of the Akua. Connecting Brand's sacred symbols are the Gryphon, of which he has two as his companions and steeds "Amber Lace" and "Autumn Lace." Nearby is a sacred story how it was Categorize that tamed the in advance gryphons for pets and steeds.Categorize has been expected to be seen in his true form as a youthful man with golden blonde hair, a fine symbol and amber colored eyes. Habitually in his hands he carries a beaker, lute or bow. A satchet of debris on his back and a amber pendant. Pests are frequently restrained one of his pets as well, seen as messengers of the gods.Categorize is in principal accomplice with the Gods Phoebius Apollo, Apollon and Balder. Nonetheless other gods that might approve with Categorize are Bolenos, Beltaine, Roughage, Cocidius, Maponius, Ai, Lugh, Grannus, Borvon,