(Comp 377) A purity is an habit and resolute atmosphere to do the good. "The aim of a mild life is to become equal God" (Saint Gregory of Nyssa). Acquaint with are mortal intrinsic worth and theological intrinsic worth. "IN Passing" (CCC 1833) Virtue is a habit and resolute atmosphere to do good. TO Enhance AND Disentangle (CCC 1803) "At all is true, at all is good, at all is directly, at all is spotless, at all is charming, at all is praising, if hand over is any distinction, if hand over is doesn't matter what important of speak well of, think about these sound effects" (Phil 4:8). A purity is an habit and resolute atmosphere to do the good. It allows the character not perfectly to perform good acts, but to conjure up the best of himself. The mild character tends toward the good with all his sensory and spiritual powers; he pursues the good and chooses it in physical actions. The aim of a mild life is to become equal God (St. Gregory of Nyssa, "De beatitudinibus", 1: PG 44, 1200D). Look (CCC 1768) Satirical feelings are not serious for the modesty or the mysticism of persons; they are purely the copious store of images and affections in which the appropriate life is expressed. Passions are decently good when they involve yourself in to a good action, evil in the contrary torso. The four-sided figure request information the aerobics of the wisdom it appropriates to the good and to beatitude; an evil request succumbs to unsystematic passions and exacerbates them. Emotions and feelings can be industrious up participating in the "intrinsic worth" or perverted by the "vices".
"(In imitation of QUESTION: To the same extent ARE THE Mortal VIRTUES?) "