Wednesday In The Wordtrue Or False Jesus Is The Reason For The Season
TRUE OR FALSE? "JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON". Seems every day I read on a friend's blog or facebook page or hear in person something like "I" don't like Christmas anymore"!" I admit I've been feeling some of that lately myself. I think we sometimes get upset when we see all the commercialism during Christmas. But why are we surprised that people who don't believe in Jesus anyway want to leave Christ out of Christmas? They leave Christ out of their lives 364 days a year....why would they want to include Him the other day? It should be a wake-up call to us to be in prayer that more people would come to the knowledge of who Christ is and what He has done for them. Most of us give Christmas presents to our loved ones. God...who IS love (1 John 4:16)...offers the greatest, best, most expensive (to Him) present there ever was to all of mankind...not just at Christmas but all during the year. "For the wages of sin is death; but the GIFT of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord"." (Romans 3:23)I realize that our Christmas holiday is not sacred or holy in the truest sense. But since we have decided to have a holiday to celebrate the birth of Christ, let's try to not make Him the last thing we think about! I'm trying to use this Christmas season as a conversation starter with people who may have never trusted Christ as Saviour. It seems to make it easier to explain why His birth is so important. That was the beginning of His life as Immanuel..."God with us"...."here on earth, living a perfect sinless life so that in His perfectness He could take the horribleness of our sins and pay for them while dying on the cross. We always need to remember that He didn't remain a babe in a manger! He had a specific work He came to do and He did it! That's why just before He died He said, "It is finished"."(John 19:30) So, I'm curious. Did you answer True or False to my question about "Jesus is the reason for the season"? I'm gonna say True! We normally only use this phrase during the Christmas season but I think really it would apply to ANY season! Jesus should be the reason behind any and every thing we do. I fall so short of practicing this but I truly want to do better!I pray that Jesus is the reason for ANY season in your life friend!May God bless you!Marilyn