Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Culture Grammatical Gender Wheel Of The Year

Culture Grammatical Gender Wheel Of The Year Image
The Celtic Calendar (not to be confused with the Sabbats) was recorded by the Moon. They used trees to symbolise each month. Since there are 13 full moons in a year, they had thirteen 'tree' months. Each of these months hav magickal properties and nicknames. Here's the list, from January's moon, to the last moon:

Birch Moon Feminine Moon of Inception; Moon of Beginning Protection of children; purification; creativity.

Rowan Moon Masculine Moon of Vision; Spirit Moon; Astral Travel Moon Healing; Personal Empowerment; Divination.

Ash Moon Feminine Moon of Waters Prosperity; Protection; Healing.

Alder Moon Masculine Moon of Utility; Moon of Efficacy; Moon of Self-Guidance Spirituality; Teaching; Weather magick; Duty; Mental Prowess.

Willow Moon Feminine The Witches' Moon; Moon of Balance Romantic Love; Healing; Protection; Fertility; Magick for Women.

Hawthorn Moon Masculine Moon of Restraint; Moon of Hindrance; Summer Moon Fertility; Peace; Prosperity; Binding.

Oak Moon Masculine Moon of Strength; Moon of Security; Bear Moon All positive purposes; Magick for Men; Fidelity.

Holly Moon Feminine Moon of Encirclement; Moon of Polarity Protection; Prophecy; Magick for Animals; Sex Magick.

Hazel Moon Feminine Moon of the Wise; Crone Moon Manifestiation; Spirit Contact; Protection; Fertility.

Vine Moon Androgynous (both sexes) Moon of Celebration (Property dependent on the type of vine) Blackberry Vine - Prosperity; Protection; Sacred to Bridgid Blueberry Vine - Spirituality; Dream Magick Grape Vine - Fertility; Inspiration; Prosperity; Binding Thistle Vine (Not a vine, but they considered it one, I suppose) - Courage; Protection; Strength.

Ivy Moon Masculine Moon of Buoyancy; Moon of Resilience Healing; Protection; Cooperation; Exorcism.

Reed Moon Feminine Moon of the Home; Hearth Moon; Winter Moon; Moon which Manifests Truth Fertility; Protection; Love; Family Concerns.

Elder Moon Masculine Moon of Completeness Exorcism; Prosperity; Banishing; Healing.

When I come back, I will be sure to post more. I love the Celtic Wiccan faith, I am personally a Green Witch that uses Celtic aspects in my faith

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