Birch Moon Feminine Moon of Inception; Moon of Beginning Protection of children; purification; creativity.
Rowan Moon Masculine Moon of Vision; Spirit Moon; Astral Travel Moon Healing; Personal Empowerment; Divination.
Ash Moon Feminine Moon of Waters Prosperity; Protection; Healing.
Alder Moon Masculine Moon of Utility; Moon of Efficacy; Moon of Self-Guidance Spirituality; Teaching; Weather magick; Duty; Mental Prowess.
Willow Moon Feminine The Witches' Moon; Moon of Balance Romantic Love; Healing; Protection; Fertility; Magick for Women.
Hawthorn Moon Masculine Moon of Restraint; Moon of Hindrance; Summer Moon Fertility; Peace; Prosperity; Binding.
Oak Moon Masculine Moon of Strength; Moon of Security; Bear Moon All positive purposes; Magick for Men; Fidelity.
Holly Moon Feminine Moon of Encirclement; Moon of Polarity Protection; Prophecy; Magick for Animals; Sex Magick.
Hazel Moon Feminine Moon of the Wise; Crone Moon Manifestiation; Spirit Contact; Protection; Fertility.
Vine Moon Androgynous (both sexes) Moon of Celebration (Property dependent on the type of vine) Blackberry Vine - Prosperity; Protection; Sacred to Bridgid Blueberry Vine - Spirituality; Dream Magick Grape Vine - Fertility; Inspiration; Prosperity; Binding Thistle Vine (Not a vine, but they considered it one, I suppose) - Courage; Protection; Strength.
Ivy Moon Masculine Moon of Buoyancy; Moon of Resilience Healing; Protection; Cooperation; Exorcism.
Reed Moon Feminine Moon of the Home; Hearth Moon; Winter Moon; Moon which Manifests Truth Fertility; Protection; Love; Family Concerns.
Elder Moon Masculine Moon of Completeness Exorcism; Prosperity; Banishing; Healing.
When I come back, I will be sure to post more. I love the Celtic Wiccan faith, I am personally a Green Witch that uses Celtic aspects in my faith
Statistics: Posted by Ravencry - Fri Mar 09, 2012 7:02 pm
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