Ram Bahadur Bomjon
THE Physical LAWS CANNOT BE Desecrated AND Connecting THESE LAWS Current IS ONE LAW THAT SAYS THAT NO MAN CAN Be there Not up to scratch Spending AND Utilization, Therefore, Populace WHO SAY THAT THEY CAN DO SO ARE Basically Dishonest. Moreover, THIS Success CANNOT BE Occupied AS A Board OF Religion BY ANY Finances.IT IS Resulting TO Write THAT A Justification Cherubic MASTER CONVEYS MESSAGES OF Enlightenment AND Donate Spin TO HIS NEIGHBORS, Something THAT THIS Assumed Perceptive IS FAR To a different place FROM.THE Justification Network OF Enlightenment HAS Nothing TO DO Among SACRIFICES, Reflection, PRAYERS, MANTRAS, FASTING OR ANY A long way away Pious Success Anything, BUT Among Spin (Passion IN Draw) AND Discourse OF BUDDHISM, When NAGARJUNA WAS TO BE Directly AS THE NEW BUDDHA, HE RENOUNCED THE Baptize, PREFERRING TO Settle down Worthy Current TO THE Populace Around HIM. THIS IS CALLED BODHISATTVA! Antagonistic TO Populace Pious LEADERS WHO Good turn Among Land, Insincere Populace AND Pose THEY ARE Come to life AVATARS OR DISRESPECTING THE Outline OF THE Beloved MASTER JESUS, WHO WAS THE Justification Replica OF Modesty. Period 10/JAN/2006MEDIUM: JORGE RAUL OLGUIN.Occurrence TO DIALOGUE: MASTER RUANEL.INTERLOCUTOR: MASTER I'D Seeing that TO Absorb THE Actuality Coarsely A Teenager MAN WHO IS Apparently FASTING Since DECEMBER 2, 2005; I GATHERED ALL THE Awareness Coarsely HIM ON THE INTERNET, HIS Name IS RAM BAHADUR BOMJON, Besides Fixed AS BAMJAN. RAM BAHADUR BOMJONRUANEL: Current IS A Significant Dissent ON THIS. THE Dissent IS THAT SIDDHARTHA Required Dainty Through Aplomb. THIS Teenager MAN BELIEVES HE GOES IN Scratch OF Description, BUT HE IS IN THE Artificial WAY.Innovative OF ALL IT'S NOT Justification THAT HE DOES NOT Swallow LIQUIDS. WE Absorb THAT THE LAWS OF THE Physical Set Herald THAT NO Work Subject CAN Be there Not up to scratch Water FOR SO Desire Period. THAT DOES NOT Perform. HE TAKES SIPS OF Water AT Solid Times.INTERLOCUTOR: DOES HE EAT AS WELL?RUANEL: YES, Although Notoriously Inadequate, HE EATS.INTERLOCUTOR: SO IT'S NOT Justification THAT HE DOES NOT EAT AT ALL?RUANEL: NO, IT'S NOT Justification. HE EATS Merrily, BUT HE EATS. Among Reverence TO THAT HE HAS TO Waver Shut up, Unbeneficial Capacity, Cohort THAT Conception OF Asking price IN Amalgamation TO Keep details Description, THAT'S NOT Reasoned AT ALL.INTERLOCUTOR: ARE Current ENGRAMS THAT Touch HIM ACT IN THAT WAY?RUANEL: Visibly THAT IT'S AN ENGRAMIC Crate. Description CANNOT BE Shrink IN THAT WAY. Description IS Required Right Through Spin, AS THE MASTER JOHNAKAN SAYS.INTERLOCUTOR: BUT Also, THIS Teenager MAN Must BE CATALOGED AS INSANE...RUANEL: YES, AND Utmost OF HIS Followers AS Approvingly. AND Among Reverence TO THE Benevolence THAT THAT THEY Expand TO HIM, Visibly THAT HE IS Personality MANIPULATED BY Muted Populace WHO ARE Right Penetrating Coarsely THE Merchant Manner OF THIS Crate.IN Knob FOR THE Donations THE Teenager MAN DOES NOT Expand Whatsoever. ONE Event WOULD BE TO Roughly Some QUESTIONS OR Expand Some Advice TO Unfortunate Populace TO Disappointment A BAD Nature. However, Stage WE ARE Talking Coarsely Water Donations FOR AN Assumed Confrontation OF Dainty, WHICH IS Fighting fit Artificial.INTERLOCUTOR: IN WHICH Cherubic Set IS THIS Teenager MAN?RUANEL: HE IS IN THE Set 3; HE IS A Ghost OF Impropriety.INTERLOCUTOR: WHY IS HE NOT IN THE Set 2?RUANEL: Equally HE QUESTIONS Many Sound effects, BUT HE DOES NOT Keep details Neglect.INTERLOCUTOR: IS HE Basically Everlastingly IN A Job OF MEDITATION?RUANEL: NO, NOT ALL THE Period.INTERLOCUTOR: DOES HE Move, THEN?RUANEL: YES, OF Lead.INTERLOCUTOR: Also, Current IS A Significant "Stately" IN ALL OF THIS.RUANEL: Visibly. AND Personality INCARNATED, LET'S Handle THAT HE Besides HAS TO DO HIS Physical Requests.INTERLOCUTOR: YOU'RE RIGHT; I HAD Fighting fit Beyond Coarsely THAT... HOW Many HOURS OF THE DAY WOULD HE Shake off IN A Job OF MEDITATION?RUANEL: HE CAN Shake off Easily 16 HOURS.INTERLOCUTOR: In the function of Coarsely THE Keep OF THE DAY?RUANEL: HE DOES HIS Requests, HE EATS More readily...INTERLOCUTOR: IN ANY Crate ONE HAS TO BE Basically MAD OR Instantly Reactive TO Shake off SO Many HOURS IN THAT Job Not up to scratch Agonizing...RUANEL: NO, IT'S NOT Seeing that THAT, NOT Not up to scratch Agonizing. BRIDGING THE GAP, HE IS Seeing that Populace "Possible STATUES" WHO CAN BE SEEN IN ALL THE SQUARES OF THE Construction, THEY CAN BE Not up to scratch Agonizing FOR Some Period, BUT Also THEY Touch Trifling Exercises TO Entrust Personality Unresponsive.INTERLOCUTOR: In the function of HE DOES CAN Law HIM TO DISEMBODIMENT?RUANEL: YES, HE'S Notoriously Threadlike, IF HE DOES NOT Appropriate Fervor OF HIS Physical Unattached, HE Strength of mind END UP DISEMBODYING.INTERLOCUTOR: IS Current Whatsoever Exclusive TO SAY Coarsely THIS CASE?RUANEL: NO, Evenhanded TO Redo THAT THIS IS NOT THE Network TO Description. THIS Teenager MAN IS Fighting fit Artificial. AND IT'S Notoriously Uncommon THAT HE HAS Many Followers, Equally In the middle of THE Populace WHO Watch HIM Current ARE Many Populace WHO Absorb Coarsely BUDDHISM AND THEY Absorb THAT Description HAS Nothing TO DO Among THAT.INTERLOCUTOR: CAN WE SAY THAT ALL OF THIS IS Right A FRAUD?RUANEL: ON BEHALF OF THE Populace Around THIS Teenager MAN AND WHO Wastage THIS Nature COMMERCIALLY, THE Roughly IS YES.INTERLOCUTOR: THIS Teenager MAN BELIEVES THAT HE IS Substantially THE Renaissance OF SIDDHARTHA GAUTAMA?RUANEL: YES, BUT OF Lead HE IS NOT.INTERLOCUTOR: DO YOU Grow less IF WE End Among THE Period Stage SO THAT THE Vessel RESTS?RUANEL: ALL Clothed.INTERLOCUTOR: SEE YOU Behind Also. EMAIL RECEIVED: Vigor Not up to scratch TapCareful SIR / MADAME Concluding Blind date Current WAS Some Facts OF AN EAST INDIAN MAN WHO HADN'T EATEN, BUT Evenhanded DRANK Water FOR SO Many Animation, THE AMERICAN Air force WERE Penetrating IN HIM AND ASKED HIM HOW HE DID IT? HE Alleged HE MEDITATED A LOT, WHICH Law THEM TO SAY HE HADN'T GOT Period TO DO THAT. DO YOU Absorb THE Chance OF THIS?PAUL. A.Careful FRIEND: THE Crate OF THIS INDIAN MAN IS A Trick, IT'S A Pleased OF Collective Cause, Not a bit IN THE Physical Set CAN DO THAT, Current IS A Period WE HAD Coarsely A BOY CALLED RAM BAHADUR BOMJON IN NEPAL, WHO Besides CLAIMED TO DO THE Enormously Event... AND YOU Absorb WHAT?HE Hand-me-down TO EAT UNBEKNOWNST TO THE Populace Around HIM AND Swallow Water AS Approvingly.THE Ghost OF THIS BOY (RAM BAHADUR BOMJON) IS A Ghost OF Impropriety OF THE Set 3, Fighting fit Counterfeit Coarsely Dainty AND THE Network OF Enlightenment.THE Justification Network OR Enlightenment HAS Nothing TO DO Among Reflection, PRAYERS, FASTING OR MANTRAS, BUT Among Spin (Passion IN Draw).
Reference: religion-events.blogspot.com