There has been a lot of refer to in the esoteric community to play with Aleister Crowley's spelling of "Magick" with a K. In the least find reverting to the Elizabethan spelling of the word ostentatious, for example others signify that it draws a fair superiority concerning the spiritual arts and sleight-of-hand. As a Thelemite and novice of Crowley's work I indicate the K spelling, but it was not until I started compiling articles for my blog that I exposed how fair the sprawling K really is.
Two words: Google News.
Try it one day. Go to Google News and do a lair for "magic." These days, the Elizabethan spelling is not so much about distinguishing "the Science of the Magi from its counterfeits" but about distinguishing it from sports newspaper journalism, book and movie reviews, and bad descriptions. A lair for "magick" yields a supplementary leading result set. The on its own real flutter offering is the handful of musicians who use "magick" in their pick up titles, but to be fair greatest of them are informed in Crowley and their music might be leading in for some searches.
I hereby instance a scream to bloggers and lobby everywhere - spell "Magick" with a K whenever you like you're talk about occultism, even if you symbol it's ostentatious. Web searchers, individually included, spur thank you.