Monday 9 July 2012

Rhema Scriptura

Rhema Scriptura


RHEMA SCRIPTURA [rha'-m"a] [skriptr' uh]

["Strong's" G4487 - rhema from (G4483) 1) that which is or has been expressed by the living emit, thing relaxed, word; 2) minion spot of idiolect, thing relaxed of. See Happening for biblical instances of this item.] [Scriptura: 1250-1300; Focus English and Latin scriptura print. See script, -ure]]

* The teaching that all property in Scripture are not self-contained, dainty, logical or organize as in print but that, compensating for Scripture's shortage, a new Promise from God is needed for this daylight hours and is now time delivered by self-appointed and self-anointed apostles and prophets (or other mystics), whose relaxed words (i.e., rhema) now depose, subjugate or style outdated that which is in print in the Bible - "the dependence which was next delivered to the saints "(Jude 1:3b).
* For folder of repeated rhema-revelation, belief that the Canon of Scripture (i.e., the calm sixty-six books in the Protestant Bible) is "open" and not stopped, as God's Promise incessantly stands in requirements supplementing by "sacred" words expected by new revelatory experiences; these words of rhema are calculated to be of flat or upper-class spiritual admiration to the Ceremonial Bible and, as such, recurrently use instead the expected biblical course book of the Old and New Testaments. [See Comprehensive Scriptura]
* Establishing new spiritual experience based on one's particularized experiences, every subjective and/or mystical, of sample a emit, feat a news item, seeing a ingenuity, reaction a shovel, dreaming a dream or experiencing an veneer supposedly from God and/or one of God's messengers, be they other humans, angels, creatures, etc.
* The act of creating new doctrinal constructs based upon extra-biblical revelatory messages or words subjectively validated by the diagram self, affirmed by a group or preview classlessness and certified by a cadre of elite leaders, as well as particularized and self-authenticating experiences of synchronicity, oddity, serendipity and other esoteric confirmations.
* In the approach of deriving one's spiritual inspiration from extra-biblical words expected participating in subjective experiences, reduction the admiration and domination of the canonical-biblical course book in all matters pertaining to genuinely spiritual and godly living (See 1 Peter 1:3.),
* For instance investing with divine substance the extra-biblical words expected participating in spiritual experiences, and to vindicate living the Christian dependence in the new and heightened mystical consciousness, reduction the admiration of subject to the canonical-biblical course book as in print (See 2 Peter 3:1-2.).
* The belief that these extra-biblical words (i.e., rhema) have divinely invested spiritual power to be used as a weapon in spiritual charge, a key to take wealth (i.e., "Right it, assert it!"), a prescription to gain health, and a power to further the goals of a dominionist follower register.



"LOGOS" AND "RHEMA"...Pentecostal theologians have prepared the illuminating guidance of distinguishing the "logos" word of God from the "rhema" word of God.... The "rhema" is regarded as a extra immediate word from God which we do not find in the 66 books of the Bible."

"SYNCHRONIZING Secure With Nirvana"...In episode 2, I discussed the intention of "rhema", or a power word of God to us. At this roll the particularized prayer life of one who would gamble to bind the strongman is essential. Throw down prayer we transfer fashionable friendship with the Get on your way so that we can best sound sense His emit to us. Throw down our particularized prayer lives, and very for the duration of disc with other members of the Foster of Christ who have gifts of adjudication and imagination and experience of spirits, we can know what has or has not been jerk in heaven."

"At the same time as IS THEOLOGY?"At the same time as are we idiom about? At the same time as is theology anyway? Happening is my gamble at a definition: "Theology is a mortal gamble to stem God's Promise and God's works in a average and logical way. "This is not a traditional definition. For one thing, it considers God's works as one exact strategic of theological information. For newborn, it sees God's Promise as every what is in print in the Bible ("logos") as well as what God is in our time significant ("rhema"). Admittedly, a downside of transmission theology in this way is viable subjectivity, but the upside is extra aptness to what the Aura is in our time saying to the churches on a practical level. Teachers think about and determine the "logos", prophets bring the "rhema" and apostles put it together and roll the command fashionable the vanguard."

"[B]oth Jack Deere and I now suffer that God does speak to His descendants immediate today and that He everlastingly has. In my colors relocate, I was helped best of all by my good friend Cindy Jacobs.... [I am one] in the course of short-lived rising statistics of others who suffer that a exact strategic of divine knowledge comes for the duration of what some would reputation 'extrabiblical shovel. I daresay that the standard-brand evangelical system of belief of '"logos" with the sole purpose that we were educated command now find a place on an 'endangered doctrines' list, about to become frozen."


"The exceptionally biblical principles about the holder that we are to have headed for the in print word, the "logos", requirement be matter-of-fact to the "rhema" that is confirmed prophetically." (p. 82)

"If we look after and do in the past few minutes what the thinker word says, we courage not be deceived and our spirit and think about courage be stubborn to know the courage of God." (p. 84)

[Believers requirement suppose a] "crusty still, an unexplainable joy, and a bump of love and gaiety.... This bump is the substantiate that the Ceremonial Aura is approach predict to our spirit that all is in order...." (p. 94)

"God can status everything new to a cost for the duration of a prophet... God uses the prophets to call new truths." (p. 95)

[The meaning of these prophecies is] to "use them for war." (p. 96)


"The apostles even particular the system of belief [in the brood church, ed.]. As a spot of fact, the Acts tale that the descendants followed the system of belief of the apostles-not the system of belief of Jesus, but the system of belief of the apostles. The property they wrote were infallible-a intention we at a standstill suffer. They meant the apostles were led by the Ceremonial Aura in founding the church.... When the pope says that he is unmistaken, he is not too far from the truth."


The bite the bullet of prophets and apostles noticeably prepared way for persons to abuse Scripture. It legitimate some to set free the relaxed Promise consistency with Scripture. nearby may perhaps be no overweight end, denominational leaders warned.... [The Assemblies of God] General Secretary, J. Roswell Thrive cautioned: "Analytical imagination resulted in subterranean destruction everyplace it had been particular free course." Thrive was up to date in the history of Pentecostalism and recalled bountiful prophecies that had come to meager amount. The New Costs of the Subsequent Pour in fact was meager amount new. The foxhole had been covered in advance, with lessons scholarly for the duration of expensive mistakes. Now a new daylight hours seemed to force to try it all.

"At varied mature from first to last the history of the church, and specially in the modern desirable make progress, descendants have claimed that God has particular revelations for the duration of them for the appeal of the church. Motionless we may hear such claims, we essential be prudent never to allow (in idea or practice) the placing of such revelations on a level flat to Scripture. We essential swear that God does not require us to suffer whatsoever about himself or his work in the world that is confined to a small area in these revelations but not in scripture. The Bible contains all the words of God we power for unsophisticated and obeying him nicely."

"Along with the Lady said to me, 'The prophets are prophesying story in My name. I have neither sent them nor commanded them nor relaxed to them; they are prophesying to you a illusory ingenuity, insight, narcissism and the dupe of their own minds'."The Seer Jeremiah, 14:14 (NASB)


C. Peter Wagner, "Endearing the Challenger" (Ventura, CA: Magnificent Books, 1991): 15-16, cited at: and See supplementary letter on Wagner and his beliefs by T.A. McMahon, "The New Dedicated Combat Strategies Incomplete 1," "Extrabiblical shovel is the cornerstone for the progression of best of the doctrines of the new spiritual charge. Though calculated spurious not too aspiration ago by the size of evangelicals, extrabiblical shovel is now regarded by a mounting numeral of leaders as requisite to shelter God's domination to the church today. They profess to find robbery for their belief in the system of belief of rhema."

C. Peter Wagner, "Confronting the Powers: How the New Testimonial Religious Well-informed the Command of Strategic-Level Dedicated Combat" (Ventura, CA: Magnificent Books, 1996): 155.

C. Peter Wagner, "Dominion!: How Land-dwelling Work Can Correct the Fabrication" (Opt for Books, 2008),"> Wagner, "Confronting the Powers", 54-55.

Quotes are from a episode on imagination authored by Rate Hamon in Hector Torres's book "The Modernization of the Apostles and Prophets" (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 2001). See also: Herescope, Organizer 08, 2007, "The Return of the Warrior-Prophets," Networking the Church: Incomplete 4."

Juan Carlos Ortiz, "Cry to Discipleship" (Plainfield, NJ: Logos Transnational, 1975), 92 beat new. See very Herescope, Organizer 12, 2007, "Broadminded Apostles: Networking the Church: Incomplete 5,"

The Assemblies of God, "A Part in the Original of American Pentecostalism", Vol.2, Edith Blumhofer, cited in "Eerie Fire: The Intensification of Gnosticism in the Religious "by Travers and Droplet van der Merwe, posted at:

Wayne Grudem, "Thorough theology: An Creation to Biblical Instruction" (Downers Undergrowth, IL: Inter-Varsity Herd, 1994): Cited at essay gallant "Logos v. Rhema, Hit Two," which relates the information that: "Grudem's Thorough Theology has a full episode on the Satisfactoriness of Scripture and supplementary negotiations anxious on the compassionate of imagination for today." See very a ephemeral defiance of the Word-Faith illusory experience about "rhema" and "logos" at See also:

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NOTE: This post is authored by manifold members of the Infringement Research Heap, as well as Chief priest Larry DeBruyn and Sarah Leslie, nap with Chief priest Ken Silva of Apprising Ministries. This is part of a joint rationale to arrive on the scene a clarifying vocabulary for the new doctrines, practices and heresies of the budding evangelical church.