Directions: (This spell can cast either inside or outside of a circle.)
Write on the parchment paper a list of general attributes you wish your true love to have. After you have finished, anoint your candle.
Hold the candle in both hands and focus on the candle and what attributes you want in your future lover and what kind of love you want. Visualize the candle filling with your intent. Once it is full, place it back in the candle holder.
Light the candle and fold the paper you had written on twice over. Drip some wax from your candle on the paper to seal it and when the wax has cooled place it under the candle holder.
Let the candle burn down as completely as possible. If there is any wax left, set it aside to us in the charm later.
Take the piece of paper, rose quartz and any wax left from the candle and place inside the satchel. Tie the satchel shut. Carry with you or place under your mattress to attract love.
When you have found your true love, you will need to dispose of the charm to break the spell. Do this by burning, throwing in a river, or open the satchel and disperse the contents.