Sunday 26 February 2012

Altar Fare Thee Well

Altar Fare Thee Well Image

by SeaFire and Hank

ALTAR: 2 chalices, one with "spirits", one with a non-alcholic beverage

3 candles, one lit before you begin the other not lit (it will
be a gift

I. Announcement of Ritual

II. Purpose of Ritual

III. Tree Meditation

IV. Opening of the Gates

V. Invovations:
a) Nature Spirits
b) Ancestors
c) Gods and Goddesses

Invocation to Danu and the Dagda

VI.Person leaving sits in the center of a circle of grove members. (S/he
may dit, lie down, etc as long as s/he's comfortable.

People in circle pass the candle that will be given to the person
leaving, like a "talking stick", so that their feelings, thoughts, and
energies go into the candle. Each person in circle may participate in
the following, or pass:

Three rounds: as the candle is passed, each person addresses the following:

1) A significant memory of "(person leaving)

2) A Thing I liked about "3) A Thing I will miss about "[The candle goes around the circle three entire times, and then is given
to the person leaving.]

VII. Asking of blessings upon the chalices.

IX. Chant : All (pass chalices during this)

Walk with wisdom from this
hallowed place
Walk not in sorrow, our roots
shall e'er embrace
May Strength be your brother
And Honor be your friend
And Luck be your lover until
we meet again.

X. Reversal of the Ritual:

Thanking of Danu and Dagda
Thanking Goddesses and Gods
Thanking Ancestors
Thanking Nature Spirits
Closing of the Gates
Reversal of Tree Meditation
Declaration of the End of the Ritual.

Departures, whether temporary or permanent, can be painful things. We hope that this ritual reflects the emotional impact that intentional farewells have. As we strive to make definate beginings in our grove, so do we honor endings and major changes. A conscious, acknowledged Rite of Passage can speed the healing and ease the transition, and makes the change easier to deal with than those having a lot of "loose ends" and words left unsaid.

A "talking stick" is a custom I (SeaFire) learned from a Sioux teacher. It is a stick that may be highly decorated or not. It is large enough to enforce its purpose : its bearer speaks his/her heart until they willingly pass the stick on to the next person. They are to speak without interruption.

Keywords: votive candles  love candle spell  black candle  wiccan candle magic  candle magic supplies  candle magic color meanings  candle magic books  candles burning  the enochian tarot  western alchemy