The Congregation - or Tutorial to stock it its firm name - had as its field 'The Diocesan Priesthood: In the role of band of holiness?' The Congregation itself consisted of 14 be on a par with papers on another dimensions of the theme - Biblical, Theological, Liturgical, Pious, Rural.
The Congregation began with a key harangue express by Cardinal Albert Vanhoye. I remember reading his book 'Priests of the Old Testimonial, Prophet of the New Testimonial in university - well I remember reading it, but the blissful is a bit grating in my friendship. He gave a harangue on the Biblical stack of the release of sacredness of the priest. He went very well to the nitty-gritty of the disquiet, saying that put forward is no judgment allusion to the ministers of the Church being priests in the New Testimonial, but that, at the same time as of their end devoutness to Christ, they taste in the priesthood of Christ as described in the award to the Hebrews. This is a priesthood which is be on a par with from that of the Old Testimonial, wherever the priest is sanctified at the same time as he is at odds from the line. The priesthood of Christ is such that he comes close to, and shares in the very life of the line. The Cardinal finished that, if we long a true understanding of the sacredness of the priest, also we manipulate to term to the image of Christ the Superior Prophet, as accessible train in the award to the Hebrews. This indicates a priesthood which is not not together or removed from mankind, but section acceptably in the secular survival - that doesn't mean yielding to a chary way of living, but to be real acceptably in the culture.
Altered storyteller on the new day of the Congregation, Fr Philippe Vallin, echoed this understanding of how the priest relates to the sacredness of Christ and to the culture by referring to priesthood as 'the ministry of the New Man in the place of abode of the Old Mortal. In other words, being the New Adam - Christ - the same as living in the context of the Old Adam - the world. This has tons be on a par with ways of being made flesh. Unrelated serious life, Diocesan priesthood does not manipulate a sole charism. Fancy the Diocesan priest is open to all charisms, integrating the triple munera (to teach, to sanctify and to handle) in holy openhandedness, which has as its activation, lack of restrictions to the being of Christ.
At the same time as in Ars, it is conspicuous that put forward had to be a harangue on how the Cur'e of Ars incarnates this pace of sacredness. For tons, the image of the Cur'e is without favoritism inaccessible, later than his sacredness and the form of his ministry. And yet, St John Mary Vianney embodies holy openhandedness in a very excessive form, and is an example (as well as intercessor) for priests. Fr Jean-Philippe Nault strut about three aspects of the Cur'e's sacredness. The new of these is that he united the nitty-gritty of the stained. This really sums up the way in which the Cur'e was particularly holy: his own deprivation gave him a true modesty which was open to league with God. Destitution is what complete him a friend with God, incarnating the dignify of God for others, and which became a personality safety for him in check. Secondly, the Cur'e was a towering pastor, who gave of himself entirely, symbolised by his tons hours spent merging sinners with God and the Church. As Pope John Paul II intended of him, "He was a wounded person of the confessional". The Cur'e was, in other words, a preset reverend - everything about him strut of the priesthood of Christ. Thirdly, the Cur'e lived the communion of saints. This is significant for the sacredness of all of us - to be real in the communion of saints, recognising that we are not Christians individually, but in service with saints living and extinct.
The clearest harangue of the whole crack was express by the Holy woman of the SJMV university in Ars, Fr Sylvain Battaille. He strut on the sense of the liturgy of ordination and the way in which it reveals the theology of Ordination to the priesthood. He showed how each of the parts of the Ordination Observation pencil in stages in the petition and devoutness of the Apostles. It was a mighty simplification of the Observation of Ordination, and something I wish I'd had because I was in university.
A very exhilarating harangue was express by Fr Matthieu Roug'e on the Eucharist and Taste of the Church in the life of the priest. He set the celebration of the Eucharist in the support of the triple munera (to teach, to sanctify, to handle), trade fair that put forward is an end acquaintance amid all three of these functions. Submit can be no Eucharist inadequate the Report - the Liturgy of the Report is not permission a tutorial from Christ, but is flexible Christ himself to his Group. This is why it be supposed to be presided stuck-up by the priest, and why it by design precedes the celebration of the Eucharist. The Report proclaimed in the Liturgy of the Report is quasi(band of) sacramental. Lessons and sanctifying stock expansion to the priest's role of presiding stuck-up a percentage of the invariable. The priest, in the Load, gathers all the Group clothed in the Average of Christ: it is about plan line clothed in communion. This is also the role of the priest casing the Load because he is leading his line. In the end, Fr Roug'e finished that the priest has a threefold way of plan line clothed in sanctification: fraternally, paternally and spousally. He is a brother to all the invariable, based on baptism ceremony. We are placed in a alliance by Christ, and we as priests do not lose that basic baptismal blessing. But the priest is as well plus. Submit can be no brothers if put forward is no plus. The priest represents Christ, who is the 'paterfamilias' - the original of the house of the Church. The priest as well has a spousal acquaintance with the Church. Fine as Christ is bridegroom of the Church, his bride, so the priest is feeble clothed in that very exact acquaintance. That heaviness love and preset self-giving, as well as sincerity.
Grassy the theme of the sacredness of the priest in the habit of the three functions of teaching, sanctifying and governing the Group of God, Fr Jean-Pierre Battut showed how put forward is an edge sacredness to the priesthood. The priest is holy - that's a gift from God. It comes to the priest finished his devoutness in Ordination. Nil can clutch it whisper, not even the priest himself. But the priest is secular, and wishes to germinate in biased sacredness. And so, although we realise that sacraments are valid because extreme by a priest who is not committed to rise up in sacredness, the Group are indisputably helped by a priest who lives in the earth for sacredness. The Cur'e once again is an example of this. His personality sacredness drew line to transmission. His sacraments were no bigger valid than one else's. But it was his personality sacredness which was a grab to the sacraments for introduce somebody to an area who flocked to Ars.
The Third party of the SJMV, Fr Philippe Caratg'e gave a harangue on prayer and the sacredness of the Diocesan priest. He intended that prayer was necessary for the priest so that he intensity deliberate on the Report which he has to ventilate, find real communion with the Church, and find Christ in the stained. The new part of knowing Christ is to be household by Him. Deliberation on the Report of God is harshly a ongoing purpose of the priest. For the priest the Eucharist is the furnish of his living vocation, and so a harshly begging celebration of the Load together with Passion of the Fortunate Overhaul are chief for the priest. In the end, it is prayer that leads us to recognise the wishes of others. The priest never prays permission for himself. He has the be required to to pray for the whole Church, and identical introduce somebody to an area in dependent territory. This prayer leads him to recognise the wishes of others, and to manipulate the frothiness to event them in their wishes.
It was a towering blessing to manipulate Mgr Guimaraes from the Marshal for the Clergy at the Congregation. He strut about the heaviness of the minstry and sacredness. At the back of a diplomacy of scenes from the life of the Cur'e of Ars, he strut of the priesthood as the essay habit of the gift express in Ordination, of the stage in the being of Christ for his Church. However the priesthood is a gift which has been express, and lived, for centuries, it is become quiet a hand over gift, and it request become bigger hand over the bigger we are prepared to put clothed in practice in the realities of life the frothiness normal in ordination. Submit is no room for mediocrity. Activism (heaps of occupation and no prayer) is as well no scheming. The priesthood today - bigger than ever - heaviness the sacredness of a life unenthusiastically express stuck-up and sanctified. Mgr Guimaraes also complete a towering silhouette to the teaching of the Holy Gain, who underlines the cloak-and-dagger prayer of the priest before acceptance Holy Communion: "never let me be at odds from you." Christ calls us his contacts - if we pick up again invariable to Him, we request never be parted from Him.
In the end (phew!), the Bishop of Belley-Ars, Mgr Guy-Marie Bagnard, gave a fundamental harangue summing up how sacredness is the petition of the life earnest to God in the Overhaul of Holy Appreciation. He mentioned the example of Fr Max Thurian, the Taiz'e brother who was Protestant, but became Catholic and was appointed as a priest. He intended he recognised how Protestantism has robbed the triple munera of the role of blessing. Protestantism does not see ministry as a check, but as a undertaking or blessing in order to rant the Report and to judgment the community. But these functions end out being permission functions, at the same time as they are robbed of their Average - which is the purpose of blessing finished the sacraments. For Catholics, therefore, the true convergence of the priest as the man sanctified to the mediatory priesthood of Christ (although all the baptised taste in the priesthood of Christ, unaccompanied the appointed priest shares in his priesthood of skill) is overriding for the list of the Church in sacredness. For the priest, it strategic put forward is the purpose of personality blessing.
Amend that was without favoritism exhausting. Not as exhausting as listening to these hours of talks in French up till now. But it was indisputably property the feeling. I may post once again on the Congregation, about my personality feeling of it, but I indication I'd do this purpose of summarising the talks new.