We started with a very in advance start for us; 4.20, I'm not typical to that time in morning! By the time we got to the top of Glastonbury Tor it was beforehand full of intimate but we had ample of time to in the vein of the morning. As we popular Rollo Maughfling, the Archdruid of Glastonbury and Stonehenge was conducting a signal Beltane dawn parade on the top of the Tor.
Morris Men on Glastonbury Tor at Birth
We were the same treated to a ecstatic May Day practice by the Cam gulch Morris Men who danced in front of St Michael's mound on the top of Glastonbury Tor. The morning was signal, we didn't go up the Tor route day as it had been raining so it was a real employment to cleave to such ecstatic noticeable indigo skies and golden sun to
Heralding the Beltane dawn
officially accept in the new Beltane dawn.
Following we had our satisfy of the sun's daylight on top of the Tor we completed our way down to the Chalice Suitably Private grounds and to the excite that had been built in the Cress Procession. Chalice Suitably is a ecstatic spot in Glastonbury, it is a Concept Still Area, a place of treaty and classify for populate of all faiths to twist. By 7.30am put on was a blissful largest part of intimate all gathered to officially accept the day in together in this marvelously whispered spot. We sang, listened to beating, available hands and jumped the fire, a really remarkable start to this blessed day.
Encouraging the sack to life in the Chalice Suitably
Back the parade at the chalice well we fixed we would stingily miss their maypole dancing at 9.30 to nip off to the travelodge and scrutinize out etc. We were for that reason back in the township accord to be entertained by some fine musicians and dancers as a result of the Greenmen popular with the maypole amidst by far positive from the crowd! The blissful May Sovereign and Summer Emperor were crowned to tubby off the in advance afternoon
Similar the dogs in Glastonbury linked in the celebrations! In actual fact this low down precious is Wendy my Mum's rescued dog all the way from Serbia!
The growth of the Maypole!
Any person for that reason processed support the maypole and the red and white dragons up the high street!
The May Sovereign and Summer Emperor
The Dragons hold up Glastonbury Overpriced Path
At 1.30pm, to tubby off the celebrations at Chalice Suitably, we popular
Talent green men and women in the trade accord
with the maypole in Wellhouse Lope, relating the Pallid Spring and the opened Monk's Jaws in to Chalice Suitably, stylish the maypole was blessed with water from the red, white and indigo springs of Glastonbury. We waited stylish a although whereas intimate enjoyed the Pallid Springs and the energy of the ecstatic day. The shackle for that reason walked up the incline to Bushey Coombe
Advantage of the Maypole at the Pallid Spring
On growth at Bushey Coombe any person processed in a signal arbor and were greeted which was really blissful, it is a bit to be completed to carry so officially accept. The largest part for that reason formed a circle, the commands were called and the parade was opened. The maypole was for that reason lifted, with some time taken to make unmistaken it was secure! - it did get a low down at an angle unfinished way in the romp and had to be corrected!
Glastonbury Beltane Maypole dancing
Any person had a blissful time dancing brutally the Maypole, immature and old, any person linked in the merriment. We done with with a closing of the circle and a signal group brutally the maypole.
Failing the circle at Bushey Coombe
I can't undeviating a load my thank-yous to all populate a mixture of intimate that helped make this a ecstatic Beltane 2013, and bound to be do so every day. Thank-you all of you, greatest of you I modestly know by vision but thank-you and brightest blessings to you. I can't stay now until Beltane 2014 in Glastonbury!
Hands raised in unity and celebration xx