Vernal Equinox: Easter, Passover, Eoestre (Saxon)
Summer Solstice: Midsummer (viz. A Midsummer Night's Goal), St. John's Eve
Autumnal Equinox: Mabon (Celtic/Welsh), Michaelmas (Banquet of St. Michael the Cherub Moreover these are what are renowned as cross-quarter days. These overstep at the mid-way points amid the Solstices and Equinoxes (they are sometimes called the "Mid-Quarter Existence"). These are anew lofty in derivation: Preparatory Cross-Quarter Day (Feb 2-6): Imbolc (Celtic: "in milk"), St. Brigit's Day, Candelmas, Groundhog Day, Setsubun (Japan)
Exact Cross-Quarter Day (May 4-7): Beltane (Celtic: "fire of Bel", coming of summer), May Day, Walpurgisnacht, Banquet of the Sense of Mary
Third Cross-Quarter Day (Aug 5-8): Lughnasa (Celtic: "games of Lugh"), Lammas (favorite place pile), Lughnasadh (Celtic: "games of Lugh"), Feasts of St. Oswald and St. Justus of Lyon.
Fourth Cross-Quarter Day (Nov 5-8): Samhain (Celtic: "summer's end"), Halloween, Banquet of All Saints, Banquet of All Souls. (Note: Halloween preceeds All Saints in the awfully way Walpurgis Sundown preceeds May Day in the Deal out).
For instance has happened, as with May day in the role of the 1st of May, is that in the Medieval stage these festivities latched onto a famous magazine transition, and that is why they became solid like better than movable days, and why Samhain/Halloween is prominent on the 31 October, and not amid November 5 to 8, as would storage space been the husk with the ancient Celts. So while you read in compel, the long-term run of stories saying that Halloween has "from pre-Christian" mature, been prominent on 31 October, it is not in fact true. It is tempting that Sign night, generally the 5th of November, is actually sooner to this visit than our Halloween, which would in Celtic practice may well storage space been a fire souk. All Souls day, similarly thought round about this time, similarly has a chequered history. By the mid-fourth century Christians in the Mediterranean world were maintenance a feast in honour of all folks who had been martyred under the pagan emperors. This was the feast of All Saints, and was thought on 13 May, and was set aside on that visit. In Ireland, in spite of everything, later the Prevailing traditions, or in alignment with them, the feast of All Saints hack upon 20 April to a certain extent. The corner in England and Germany was specific, and by 800 churches in any countries, which were in bit with each other, were celebrating a souk zealous to All Saints upon 1 November to a certain extent. The Prevailing church unused holds All Saints on the Saturday what time Pentecost. All Souls came later, at the outset in February, but was stimulated to 2nd November clearly to associate it to the prior souk.
For instance can we overall from this?
Preparatory, the invention that the Christians "scarf" Halloween (smoothly quoted by compel again!) is historically incorrect. The specific feast days (13th May, 20th April) confirm that.
Exact, the invention that the move to November was to do with appropriating halloween from the Celtic calendar is similarly incorrect. The move to shot came from Germany and England. In Ireland, wherever the Celtic damage would storage space been in place, and in attendance would storage space been a feast day, it was 20th April.
So why did the Germans storage space November as the days for All Saints and All Souls? The move to November 1st took place under coerce from the Place of worship in Germany, to birth a souk for the boding evil days of autumn and into the future winter. The autumn Christian souk was rumored and popularised by Einhard, Charlemagne's archbishop. Whether the new visit coincided at the time with an time-honored Pagan feast, later renowned to the Vikings as Arctic Nights, is shifty. But the new German visit shows, I outline, the very secular seize for some agreeable of "light inside shadows" celebration as the days tie in, get colder and bleaker, to suggest us that shadows is not, what time all, the pure word.
References: Significant Item at: The Gregorian Encyclopedia at gregorian.html The Astronomy of Halloween